Teaching Artifacts for English Language Learners:

       The lesson plans showcased in this section were created in affiliation with my senior Teacher's Education course, through the online TESOL minor lab. These lessons were created with two of my peers who were also studying TESOL as their minor.

Working With a Classic Text: Developing Ideas for ELLs Using Shakespeare

This TESOL lesson was created using the Romeo and Juliet lesson as a foundation; in working with my lab partners, we were asked to develop a set of activities that would help scaffold the ELL's participation in the original Romeo and Juliet lesson.
TESOL Shakespeare Lesson
File Size: 103 kb
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Working With English Educators: How to Aid in Differentiation

Although I am indeed an English teacher, the goal for this lesson was to aid a mainstream English teacher in adapting a lesson specifically to help ELL students in the class. This gave me the opportunity to revise a previously made English lesson plan, and to workshop with my teaching peers on the best ways to approach ELL instruction in a mainstream English classroom. Ms. Jane is the title for the teacher our group designed to give feedback to, although the lesson is my own.
TESOL English Differentiation Lesson
File Size: 160 kb
File Type: pdf
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